Merel gives incredible energy and creates a very creative and safe space, that is never condescending but rather empowering.
I really appreciated this workshop, for it made me rethink my whole approach to critique, and brought playfulness to presentations.
Dear Merel, your workshop was really enjoyable. You have managed to create a safe atmosphere for such a nervous thing as a presentation.
Merel is sensitive and a great workshop leader.
Thank you for making presentations less scary, a more comfortable experience.
Participants in a presentation workshop for Emerging Digital Makers, the Hmm, 2023

beeld: de houtgravure van Flammarion
Surely, you can spell. Probably, you can write. Perhaps, you can even write quite well. But can you truly express yourself in that writing? Say what you really mean without hiding behind the “expected” vocabulary and “professional” construction? Unencumbered by the traditional convenances of academia, not burdened by “what you thought this whole official writing thing should be and I better stick to it”? Well, if you want to taste some of that freedom, I would advise to let Merel in. Let her guide you into understanding the expectations of professional rhetoric, yes, but more importantly—into hearing yourself and channeling that into writing. Your freshly released quirks and wits will be very grateful.
Thank you, Merel, for your incredible compassion and dedication!
Ada Popowicz, Graphic Design 2021
Merel heeft een uitzonderlijke, persoonlijke aanpak. Uitzonderlijk, omdat ik niet vaak mee maak dat iemand mij echt wil begrijpen (begrijpen wat ik wil, waar ik tegenaan loop, wat ik kan en wat ik niet kan). Dat lukt Merel en van daaruit brengt ze je verder.
Doina Kraal volgde trainingen in spreken en optreden, zowel in groepsverband als individueel
Merel was my thesis coach for my bachelor thesis at the ArtScience Interfaculty. We had good discussions and she helped me immensely in structuring and finishing my work. She never imposed anything upon me but rather let me figure things out on my own, which is something I value greatly. She did not tell me what to do but rather had a meaningful conversation with me where we figured things out together. To these conversations she always brought a high level of professionalism and warmth. I am very proud of my thesis and Merel had a big part in shaping that. It is so important as a writer to have someone to talk to, someone who does not tell you what to do but rather helps you figure out exactly what you want to do. I don’t think there are many people that can do this but Merel is one of them.
Þórir Freyr, ArtScience 2021
To the point.
Merel Boers is een schrijf-wizard en motivator. Er komt een moment dat je een tekst gaat schrijven en dat stemmetje in je hoofd zegt ‘dit moet ècht goed worden’. De ideeën zitten al in je hoofd en de juiste woorden liggen op het puntje van je tong. Toch kom je er niet helemaal uit (of helemaal niet). Schakel dan Merel in.
Haar woordenschat, creativiteit en positieve energie maken het een plezier om aan allerlei soorten tekst te werken. Door haar heldere communicatie, debat- en luistertechnieken komen de best mogelijke teksten op papier.
Keywords: stellig, bondig, energiek, humor, kritisch, research, constructief, doelgericht.
Auke Lansink, Grafisch Ontwerp 2019
Merel has been a very helpful tutor during the time I had to write my bachelor’s thesis. She was understanding, patient and kind while I was scared and insecure. She gave me very interesting references related to my topic and helped me to let go of whatever was blocking me, to trust my own gut and intuition, to keep going and to never doubt myself. It made the whole process of researching and writing much more calm and enjoyable. She is the kind of tutor I needed and I’m very thankful for that!
Kilia Robustella, Graphic Design 2021
Writing in a clear structure can be tricky, because thoughts go this way and that way… Merel taught me how to write in a way that the reader can be absorbed in the reading, namely by considering what is important structure-wise. Also, she is an encouraging person and has great insights to help you see what your strength is, and carry it to its best.
Eunji Lee, Graphic Design 2021
I came to Merel puzzled but left acute.
Merel is a sharp professional. Right at the beginning she helped me to clarify my needs and set unambiguous goals. Merel delivered argumentation theory in a simple way. The core of every session was me, practicing and developing my skills. She is demanding, but I felt comfortable with her. She persistently but elegantly pushed my boundaries in every session.
Merel inspires. She always selected and tailored only the juiciest materials for me to work with: WSJ, The New Yorker, HBO shows, TED Talks. However, Merel also dug out some unexpectedly special stuff. I worked with scandalous articles from the Daily Mail, long-reads from nerdy forums, or even rap songs. I could deconstruct any type of content, see how theory works in practice, try it out myself.
Merel has helped me to see a whole new spectrum of ways people present and argue. She has trained me to see behind the words, which helps me to speak and think clearly.
Sergei Afanasev kreeg een half jaar individuele presentatie- en argumentatietraining in 2019
Merel has been an amazing guide during the writing process of my master thesis. She is an attentive lector and has the gift to provide you with practical advice while she encourages your way of expression.
Alexander Heil, ArtScience 2020
Merel heeft me geholpen met het schrijven van mijn eindwerk. Vanaf dag één stond ze me bij met een enorm enthousiasme en enorme energie. Merel verkoos het stellen van de juiste vragen boven het opdringen van haar eigen visie. Op die manier liet ze me zelf met oplossingen komen, vertrekkend vanuit mijn eigen verhaal.
Wannes Vrijs, Grafisch Ontwerp 2019
Merel helped me write a thesis that was not only critical and logical but also experiential and emotional, which was very important for me. She supported me to balance and integrate those two aspects and write creatively, for which I am very grateful.
Jonathan Cho, Graphic Design 2019
Merel was my thesis advisor during my graduation at the KABK in 2018. She was an amazing help to me! I wrote my thesis while struggling with a big personal issue. Without her help I wouldn’t have been able to find a red thread in the scattered material I had gathered.
She knew when to keep critical distance, when to build up my confidence, and how to encourage me to step over my on doubt. I am writing this review in the first week of my MFA at the Yale School of Arts. During my admission I was asked to hand in a copy of my thesis. Thank you Merel!
Paul Bille, Graphic Design 2018